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My Dog Doesn’t Show Any Affection Toward Me – What Should I Do?



My Dog Doesn't Show Any Affection Toward Me

My Dog Doesn’t Show Any Affection Toward Me – What Should I Do?


It’s likely that when you initially got your dog, you dreamed of a future in which you and your puppy would spend as much quality time together as possible.

Whatever you were doing together, whether it was chasing balls in the park or cuddling on the couch, you felt you were best friends. Instead, you’re left scratching your head, wondering why your dog isn’t friendly toward you, and trying to figure out if it’s your fault or your dog’s fault that this is happening.

Isn’t it true that dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend?

Moreover, if that’s the case, why doesn’t yours seem very interested in being extremely physically close to you?

Why Do Some Dogs Show No Signs of Affection?

Taking it personally if you believe that your dog is not affectionate toward you is a bad idea. It’s very likely that it has nothing to do with you.

There are a variety of factors that contribute to dogs’ lack of affection.


First and foremost, if your dog was adopted, it’s possible that his previous home neglected or perhaps abused him in some way. If this is the case, your dog may experience trust issues or even become fearful of humans.

Additionally, your dog, like some humans, may like having his or her own personal area. Not everyone finds a great deal of physical intimacy to be pleasurable.

When it comes to being petted, being physically close to, and cuddling, animals and humans have very different perspectives. Dog snuggling behaviour varies from dog to dog as well as from breed to breed.

Dogs can also be territorial or treat another member of the family as their best buddy, depending on their temperament.

In the event that your dog is affectionate toward other members of the family, or if you are being introduced to the dog for any reason, it is possible that it will take some time for him to become affectionate toward you.

Finally, it is possible that your dog is simply expressing his devotion for you in different ways.

Don’t overlook the indicators that he is interested simply because you anticipated he would demonstrate affection by cuddling. He’s most likely already showing you something in a different way.

Dogs express affection in a variety of ways.

The discovery that you and your pet don’t communicate in the same love language is a disappointment. However, this does not imply that your dog is incapable of demonstrating his affection for you.


Dogs want to please their pet owners, and every pet is different; think about how your dog wants to please you.

It’s possible that someone is trying to get your attention. For example, pursuing and retrieving a ball or stick might be as simple as having fun.

By participating, it’s as if your dog is saying, “I’ve brought you this gift of a slobber- and dirt-covered ball because I care about you,” and you’re just playing along.

If you go for a run with your pet, pay attention to how well he keeps up with you.

Even though your dog would most likely outpace you from the start if you let him, his training and desire to please you are only another method to demonstrate that he is concerned.

There are a variety of different signals of attachment that could be present.

Do you ever get home from work and see your dog peering out the window, anticipating your return?

What about when you aren’t playing, does he come to you with a toy or a treat that you can share together?

Despite the fact that your dog may not enjoy cuddling on your lap, he may be attempting to communicate how delighted he is to be in your company – just search for the evidence.


Understand Your Pup’s Health and Fitness Level

Not all dogs are loving, but if your dog was once cuddly and has suddenly stopped being so, this could be an indication that something is wrong.

Any significant changes in your dog’s behaviour or activities may necessitate a trip to the veterinarian to ensure that there are no underlying problems, such as disease or injury.

Finally, if you want to promote more cuddling from your pet, you’ll have to put in some effort to teach him to be more friendly toward you.

Make goals that are reasonable for him based on his characteristics. Perhaps you can teach him to give high-fives or to reward him with a nutritious treat every time he allows you to pet his head for a brief period of time.

Never allow food to be your primary source of affection since you will instil undesirable habits in him and, worse, you will put his weight at risk by overfeeding him in the process.

It’s important to remember that positive reinforcement is the key to success.

The more you stimulate your dog, the more he will be willing to show affection – as long as it is within the parameters of his personality.



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What motivates Dogs to Chase Squirrels? – 7 Things to Know



What motivates Dogs to Chase Squirrels?

What motivates Dogs to Chase Squirrels?

Once again, your dog is chasing another creature in your backyard. While they’re preferred little creatures maybe squirrels, your dog is not selective. They chase anything they see, whether it’s a bunny, raccoon, possum, or anything else.

Why is it that your dog pursues squirrels and other small hairy creatures?

While the behaviour has been mostly benign thus far, you’re concerned that the chase may result in your dog becoming loose and subsequently lost — or, worse, being bitten by the other animal. If you’ve been wondering why your dog enjoys squirrel hunting, this guide will explain why the habit occurs and whether you can stop it.

What Motivates Dogs to Pursue Squirrels?

There are a variety of reasons why your dog would chase small animals such as raccoons, porcupines, skunks, and chipmunks, but the most prevalent are curiosity, playfulness, and predatory drive.

Curiosity or a sense of humour

Two cream colored whippet dogs lying down outdoors together next to a tree.

A young puppy, for example, maybe intrigued by fast-moving critters and chase after them to find out what they’re doing, or to join in and “play” with them. This natural curiosity is wonderful, but it’s important to keep a close eye on your pet while outdoors. You don’t want them to wander away while chasing prey, and you wouldn’t want them to be bitten by a small animal either!


Predatory Drive

If not for curiosity, why do dogs chase squirrels? While some dogs may just want to play with a squirrel, there are others who see a critter as their prey, and their predatory drive kicks in.


Dogs who are predatory chasers are attempting to catch their prey — and eat or extinguish it. You’ll want to make sure a dog with a predatory drive is also watched afterwards so that they don’t run far away (and so you don’t get “greeted” regularly with a mouthful of a squirrel).

On the other hand, there’s no need for concern if your dog doesn’t seem interested in chasing squirrels or other small animals. They simply may not have the impulse.

However, if your dog was once extremely driven to chase prey, yet suddenly shows no interest, it may be a smart idea to check in with their veterinarian. Any sudden changes in behaviour may be indicative that something is wrong.

Which Breeds Are the Biggest Chasers?

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), sighthounds of all sizes, such as Afghan hounds and Whippets, were bred to chase. Other breeds, specifically herding dogs such as border collies and German shepherds, are also inherently prone to chasing, due to their drive to corral animals.

Black and white border collie starts a jump in the grass with wooded area blurred in the background.

However, this does not exclude a different breed from being motivated to chase. Any dog that notices a small animal scurrying across its territory may become intrigued. This fascination has the potential to turn into a “game” or a hunt for prey!

Can Dogs Be Taught to Avoid Chasing?

Additionally, the AKC notes that “the drive to chase is natural in many dogs and is a highly self-rewarding activity, but because some dogs like it so much, training them not to do it can be especially difficult.” That is not to say, however, that all hope is lost. You can teach your pet not to chase, most effectively while they are puppies, but also with some difficulty later in life.

Leash training and rewarding your pet with toys and treats during outside training opportunities are critical in teaching them to listen to you and avoid their natural desire to chase.


Dog impulse training can be challenging because you are teaching them to disregard an innate urge, but by redirecting that innate desire to a more productive activity, you can fuel your dog’s desire to chase in a safer manner.

How to Keep Chasing Dogs Safe

While you’re learning to train your dog to avoid chasing small animals, here are a few tips to keep them safe:

  • Always keep them on a leash when walking them in public: If they tend to have a mind of their own, keep a short leash to avoid them being able to get a running start and potentially harming themselves or pulling you down.
  • Using a harness to attach your leash to Harnesses are great because they don’t put pressure on your dog’s neck and throat if they pull. It wraps around more of their body to also give you more control in redirecting their attention.
  • Block all exits routes: While it may be hard to keep squirrels and other small critters out of your backyard, make sure that if you let your dog out to run around on their own that there aren’t any potential breaks in the fence or places they could easily jump over.
  • Keep a watchful eye: While most small critters aren’t known for fighting back when they feel threatened, they react. Pay close attention to your dog’s behaviours after letting them out.Any sign of behaviour changes that could indicate that they were attacked, is important to catch quickly. Any signs of bites, scratches or other indications that your dog was attacked are worth calling your veterinarian immediately and getting their consult.

As long as you keep your dog safe, by not allowing them to get loose during a chase and training them well, you can rest assured that chasing is normal behaviour for your dog.


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Thunder and Anxiety in Dogs: How to Help Your Dog Cope



Thunder and Anxiety in Dogs: How to Help Your Dog Cope

Thunder and Anxiety in Dogs: How to Help Your Dog Cope


Among dogs, the fear of thunder is a widespread phobia. It is typically characterized by behaviours such as hiding, whining, barking, pawing, or even urine.

No one knows for certain what causes dogs to be scared of thunder. Some breeds appear to be more susceptible to the condition than others.

The treatment of thunder anxiety can be challenging, but it is necessary to try because the worry tends to get more pronounced as one grows older.

Thunderstorm anxiety in dogs can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including excessive panting and shaking.

A drop in air pressure, rain on the roof of the home, brilliant flashes of light, or merely the sight of rain on the roof of the house may be enough to cause anxiety. Dogs that are terrified of thunder are also prone to developing a fear of explosions.



Don’t scold or cuddle your dog

Neither punishing your dog for being anxious nor cuddling him excessively are recommended for coping with this fear, as both of these actions might aggravate the situation. As a result of punishing the dog, he will become even more fearful and nervous, because he will identify thunder not only with terror but also with punishment.

It is also not recommended to cuddle or soothe your dog excessively because this teaches your dog that his worried behaviour is acceptable and appealing to you.


Everything is in good hands.

Providing a safe spot for a dog who is terrified of thunder is one of the first things you should do for him when the storm comes.

Dog crates (which are commonly used for transporting dogs), under a bed, or under a chair are all frequent hiding places for dogs. Your dog likes these locations because they provide him with a sense of security and because the noise that frightens him is muffled in these settings.

If your dog hasn’t chosen a spot yet, you should provide one for them. In order to encourage him to go to the storm shelter, you may want to leave a couple of goodies in it while the storm is going on.

Giving your dog a safe place to go during a storm will help alleviate some of the indicators of anxiety, but it will not address the underlying source of the problem, which is fear.

This is a more challenging task, and you will most likely want the assistance of your veterinarian or a behaviour specialist to complete it successfully.


One of the most important steps is to gradually desensitize your dog to the sound of thunder and other stimuli connected with thunder.

The sooner you begin treatment, the more quickly you will experience beneficial outcomes in your condition.

Contentment is bred by familiarity.

The process of desensitization must be done gradually. Basically, you want your dog to become accustomed to the sound of thunder and accept it as a typical occurrence. This is typically accomplished by playing recorded thunder at a low volume and in brief bursts at regular intervals.

In order to replicate real thunder, the thunder sound should be irregularly delivered. You should keep an eye on your dog’s behaviour while doing this.

Try to divert his attention away from the noise by playing fetch with him or indulging in some other fun activity while it is present.

If your dog is too scared to engage, you will need to reduce the intensity of the thunder stimulation and try again another time.

This may be a time-consuming operation that requires a great deal of patience, but your dog will be considerably more comfortable during a storm as a result.





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Can Dogs Consume Eggs? 7 Shocking Facts to Know



Can Dogs Consume Eggs? 7 Shocking Facts to Know

Can Dogs Consume Eggs?


Eggs are a rich source of protein, as are other dairy products. They can be great when boiled, fried, or scrambled for breakfast; they’re important components of many popular desserts, and they can be surprisingly delicious when added to burgers or sandwiches.

In contrast, eating raw or undercooked eggs can expose people to potentially harmful microorganisms such as salmonella.

Is the same true for our four-legged companions as it is for us?

If you’re an egg enthusiast, it stands to reason that you’d want to share part of your bounty with your canine companion.

Can dogs, on the other hand, consume eggs? Learn whether or not eggs are a portion of suitable food for your dog, as well as the safety precautions that should be taken when feeding this popular delicacy.

Can Dogs Consume Eggs?

Dogs are capable of consuming eggs, believe it or not! Eggs are abundant in protein and include a large amount of vital fatty acids and necessary amino acids, among other nutrients.

Cooked or boiled, they become a delectable — and nutritious — snack option for everyone. In fact, eggs may be able to assist your dog in settling an upset stomach, and they can also provide a significant amount of protein in some commercial dog food.


When giving your dog home-cooked eggs, as with any treat, it’s crucial to exercise caution and limit the amount given.

Despite the fact that eggs are a perfectly healthy food, it is possible for your dog to consume too many of them or, in the case of repeated overfeeding, to become overweight.

Before you begin incorporating eggs into your dog’s diet, consult with your veterinarian about the best way to safely incorporate them into your dog’s diet.

Is it safe for dogs to eat raw eggs?

Although cooked eggs can be a healthful treat for your dog, uncooked eggs are extremely unsafe to give to your dog.

Raw eggs can expose dogs to hazardous salmonella, just as they can expose humans, which can then transfer back to their pet parents (especially those with a compromised immune system).

Apart from bacteria, uncooked eggs can also cause biotin deficiency in your dog, which can be dangerous to his health.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), “[raw eggs] contain an enzyme that binds to biotin and prevents biotin from being absorbed into the body.

” Given that biotin is a vitamin that is essential for supporting important biological activities (such as digestion, skin health, and metabolism), a shortage in this vitamin puts your dog at danger of developing major health concerns.


Even if your dog accidentally consumes raw eggs, it is critical not to worry.

Despite the fact that the concerns listed above are terrifying, they are quite infrequent.

If your dog has had raw eggs for the first time and their digestive system has not yet become acclimated to them, they may face digestive troubles like as diarrhea or vomiting for a day or two following intake.

If you’re experiencing this problem, make sure to call your veterinarian immediately.

The health of your dog should be closely monitored over the next week or two after they have swallowed raw eggs.

If you begin to see your dog exhibiting more serious, long-term concerns such as lethargy, pale gums, or digestive trouble, you should call your veterinarian right away.

There is a possibility that your dog has contracted food poisoning or salmonella as a result of this.

Instructions for Preparing Eggs for Your Dog

When it comes to preparing eggs for your dog, simplicity and safety are the two most important considerations.

Dogs can eat scrambled eggs, but whole boiled eggs can be a choking hazard since they are so hard to peel.


Be careful to cut the egg into bite-sized pieces before feeding it to your dog so that it will be easier for them to chew and swallow.

Instead of using flavour enhancers such as oil, salt, and butter, your dog’s eggs should be prepared without any of the additives we use to enhance taste, such as those found in your own breakfast.

According to the American Kennel Club, salt “may cause water retention in dogs, which can be fatal in those who are predisposed to heart problems.” Meanwhile, dietary fats such as oil and butter can contribute to weight gain, putting your dog at risk for obesity-related health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, renal disease, liver disease, osteoarthritis, and respiratory problems, to name a few examples.

It’s also important to remember that you should always allow the eggs to cool completely before serving them to your dog.

When it comes to eating hot food, most dogs don’t have the same concerns about burning their mouths as humans do, and they could end up burning their tongues if they consume it immediately from the burner. Also, keep in mind that the calories in your dog’s regular meals should be taken into consideration.

Check with your veterinarian before introducing eggs to your children’s meal plans to ensure that these “additional snacks” do not account for more than 10% of their daily caloric intake without prior approval from your veterinarian.

While eggs can be beneficial for your dog, he or she will still require a variety of other nutrients to remain happy and healthy, which is why feeding your dog a properly balanced premium dog food is always a good idea.

Eggs can be a nutritious addition to your dog’s diet if they are properly prepared and offered in moderation.

It is possible to introduce your dog to a brand-new, healthy treat they will like for the rest of their life if you keep your recipes basic and make sure the eggs are broken into little pieces before baking them.


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