Training Your Cat to Be Obedient – 5 Tips to Know

Training Your Cat to Be Obedient Using a Variety of Techniques

Training Your Cat to Be Obedient Using a Variety of Techniques


Cats Obedient Training

Keep training sessions to a minimum. Concentrate on a single command at a time, and once it is mastered, move on to the next command.

Practice the commands in a variety of various locations around the house so that she becomes accustomed to responding to you in a variety of scenarios as she grows older.

If you’re having trouble with other elements of your kitten’s training, such as getting her to stay still for grooming or getting her acclimated to travelling by car, you can use the clicker approach to assist you.

What about your cat? We all know that dogs can be trained to follow basic orders, but what about your cat? Given that cats are more self-sufficient and less gregarious than dogs, they are less likely to seek praise in the same manner that dogs do.

However, as you are already aware, cats are extremely bright creatures who are capable of learning a wide range of behaviours and tricks.

The Care and Training of a Kitten

Beginning to train your kitten as soon as possible will ensure that she will be able to learn and respect the boundaries of your home as she grows older.

You don’t want your cat to be digging in the trash, chewing up your furniture, or leaping up on your counter all of the time, so keep them indoors.

Putting your kitten through obedience training can assist to keep her mind and body active, as well as teach her positive social skills and habits, as well as develop her bond with you.

When it comes to educating your kitten, it is critical that she has a variety of toys at her disposal. Redirect her focus to the toys if she starts doing something she isn’t supposed to do.

Provide your cats toys as a thank-you for refraining from engaging in inappropriate behaviour.

Providing your kitten with toys to play with will keep him or her emotionally and physically active. Add some catnip to the mix to make her more interested in playing with you!

Cat Behavioral Issues That Are Common

Cat obedience training can be used to address a variety of typical feline behaviours. This can save you hours (or even days) of headaches while also keeping you more connected to your cat’s needs.


  • Scratching the furniture
  • Using a spray bottle and urinating
  • Keeping the litter box out of the way

Aggression toward people or other animals is defined as follows:

  • Stress
  • Fear or apprehension

Compulsive habits such as over-grooming, excessive scratching, or biting are examples of compulsive behaviours.

How to Teach a Cat New Tricks

With luck, your cat will be eager to learn your commands and happy to comply when you give them to him. There is a potential, though, that she will disregard you.

Every cat is unique, and teaching them may be quite taxing on your patience and perseverance. Assign tiny chunks of time each day to spend with her so that you may get to know her better.

If you have additional cats in your home, keep in mind that each one has a unique personality and needs to be trained in a different way than the others.

You should be aware that cats do not comprehend or respond well to punishment.

Punishment will almost always cause your cat to flee and hide from you, and it can also induce stress, which can result in behavioural and health problems in your feline companion.

It is much more effective to reward good behaviour than it is to laud it, and the reward can take the shape of praise or a portion of sweet food, depending on the situation.

Using this method of reward-based training, your cat will learn to correlate good behaviour with favourable outcomes.

It is another sort of reward-based training that is used to train cats, and clicker training is one of the most commonly used approaches.

In order to teach your cat to sit, you can click the clicker as soon as she sits down and give her a small treat as soon as she sits down again. Finally, with enough repetition, she will come to identify the click with the behaviour as well as with receiving the reward.

Keep training sessions brief because cats have short attention spans and can become bored very quickly.

Concentrate on one command at a time, and only move on to the next if she has mastered the previous one.

Practice the set of commands in several locations around the house so that she becomes accustomed to responding to you in a variety of settings.

How to Deal with Your Cat’s Negative Behavior

There could be a variety of reasons why your cat is acting out: she could be stressed out due to a recent change in your household, she could be suffering from a medical problem, or she could simply be unaware that her conduct is inappropriate.

It is common for people to believe that their cat is misbehaving because she is upset or spiteful toward them; however, this is not always the case.

Redirecting her conduct rather than penalizing her for it is more likely to result in her getting back on the right track. By punishing her, you run the risk of making her feel scared by you, which can lead to even more stress and unhealthy behaviours in the long run.

If your cat is afraid of you, this will also have a negative impact on your relationship with one another.

She should, on the other hand, be made aware of any undesirable habits. One method of accomplishing this is by associating negative behaviours with something unpleasant.

Cats, for example, are averse to certain odours, such as perfume and citrus fruits.

If you want to keep your cat away from places you don’t want her to go, soak cotton balls in these scents and scatter them throughout the house.

Always remember to provide your cat positive reinforcement for good behaviour as well. As a reward for a job well done, give her a treat, and she will learn to correlate her behaviours with her rewards.



Thanks for reading and have a great day! Training Your Cat to Be Obedient Using a Variety of Techniques?

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